LAnkh, lincroyable technologie cachée des Egyptiens

LAnkh pourrait avoir une signification bien plus mystérieuse que «croix de vie égyptienne»… Il pourrait sagir de la schématisation dune technologie avancée héritée dun peuple antédiluvien, léguée aux Egyptiens.

Dans les années 90, Guy Gruais et Guy Claude Mouny isolent ce symbole et en donnent une interprétation audacieuse dans «Le grand secret du signe de vie», mêlant égyptologie, technologie de pointe et réminiscences de lAtlantide.

Les 7 Merveilles Du Monde, Chefs D’œuvres De L’antiquité

ytimg.preload(;ytimg.preload(;Les 7 Merveilles Du Monde, Chefs D’œuvres De L’antiquité — YouTube<meta name=«keywords» content=«Zeus, Pyramide, Colosse de rhodes, Phare d

Les secrets de MElN KAMPF

Un documentaire historique sur le manifeste autobiographique écrit par HlTLER. Aujourdhui, il est toujours disponible dans les bibliothèques, sur Internet, dans les universités et même dans les librairies du monde entier, mais une grande partie de lhistoire est maintenant oubliée. Le documentaire plonge profondément dans le tristement célèbre plan du mal cest de sombres secrets et révèle comment ce livre a été écrit et son impact sur le monde.

Réalisateur: Frédéric Monteil

La Grande Pyramide dEgypte

La Grande Pyramide a été construite il y a 4500 ans pour le pharaon Khufu. Elle est toujours à ce jour une merveille du monde antique. Lampleur et les mystères de ce monument fascinent les visiteurs et les experts, qui lobservent depuis de nombreux siècles. La même question revient souvent: comment les Égyptiens ont-ils pu construire cet édifice avec autant de précision? Aujourdhui, des équipes darchéologues et de scientifiques utilisent de nouvelles techniques dans lespoir de libérer ses secrets en explorant sa structure, pierre par pierre. Un procédé danimations permet de découvrir lintérieur de ce bâtiment, composé de plus de deux millions de blocs, avec ses tunnels menant aux deux chambres royales.

Deadliest Journeys - Congo: The Last Train in Katanga

In Katanga more than 2000 people, three times the trains capacity, are squeezing in the carriages of the Swallow. Conditions are precarious on the train, which crosses the whole country in more than a week, stopping in several villages. But the journey isnt easy. The rails are poorly maintained, accidents frequent and the journey is risky.

Tutankhamuns Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt

New technology reveals why Tutankhamun’s tomb remained hidden in the Valley of the Kings, Tut’s treasures take a once-in-a-lifetime journey and archaeologists open a 4,000-year-old tomb.
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About Lost Treasures of Egypt:
An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the worlds richest seam of ancient archaeology — Egypts Valley of the Kings. For a full season of excavations and with unprecedented access to the teams on the front line of archaeology, we follow these modern-day explorers as they battle searing heat and inhospitable terrain to make the discoveries of a lifetime. Using innovative technology and age-old intuition in their quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient sites, can the teams discoveries re-write ancient history?

About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the worlds premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of whats possible.

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Tutankhamuns Treasures (Full Episode) | Lost Treasures of Egypt

National Geographic

Lost World of the Maya (Full Episode) | National Geographic

The Maya — their soaring pyramids, monumental cities and mythical mastery of astronomy and mathematics have captured our imaginations and spurred generations of explorers into the jungles of Central America on a quest to understand them. Lost World of the Maya surveys their dramatic rise to prominence in the pre-classic era of the Maya as well as new evidence of the collapse of their civilization in the 800-900s AD.
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About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the worlds premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of whats possible.

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Lost World of the Maya (Full Episode) | National Geographic

National Geographic

Archeology – exploring the past with modern technology | DW History Documentary

Today modern archaeology often works with digital technology. Geophysics has allowed thousands of ancient sites to be located — a huge gain for science.

The dig is no longer the be-all and end-all of archeology. We accompany some archeologists on their journey into the virtual past. Geophysics comprises a range of techniques with various geological and military functions. Geomagnetism is used to locate enemy submarines or potential reserves of oil or other minerals. Now, German and Irish archeologists have teamed up to use it to trace prehistoric grave systems. Researchers in western Germany are applying it to locate ancient procession and pilgrimage routes. Shipping archeologists in Bremerhaven are availing of digital technology to create virtual models of shipwrecks and, in Berlin, archeologists and game designers have also embarked on a joint project. As luck would have it, they scanned every millimeter of a temple in the Syrian city of Aleppo, not suspecting that, soon afterwards, the complex would be largely destroyed in the country’s civil war. Their virtual model is evidence that the study of the past can have uses for the present, just as technologies of the present can help us to study the past.

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